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Anna Sorensen

Lead Consultant


My Story

Welcome! I'm Anna and I am so glad you are here! I love Scentsy products so much I decided to become a consultant so I could start earning a commission. Once I joined and learned more about the company and their values, my goals became bigger.
Home is where my heart is. I am a work at home mom to three girls and an amazing husband. We moved to a smaller community about six years ago with the intention of building our home. However, at that time property values had gone down considerably, so we had to switch gears and build a shouse (a shop/garage with a kitchen and bedrooms) instead. During construction our family of 5 lived in our RV. It challenged every thing I thought I knew about life. It really challenged my view of home. Life changed in those 9 months. Living in 294 square feet I had nowhere to run. I was face to face with life and I needed a purpose outside of cleaning our house, making meals, and taking care of my family. I love my family, but I needed something for me.
Scentsy gives me the freedom to work around our family schedule, while helping other moms. I love that I get to share a product that I love, meet fun and inspiring people, and be a part of a company with amazing values! I truly love what I do and how much I am growing. I love that our girls get to see us work hard and follow our dreams!
In November 2018 we moved in to our dream home. It took commitment, hard work and determination, but I am still in awe. All of the sacrifices we made paid off! Now I can't help but think anything is possible! Since joining Scentsy December 2017, I have reached goals that I never thought possible. I am pushing past my fears ONE STEP at a time. It has been a life changing experience so far, and I am so excited to see what I can accomplish in the years to come!

What's warming in my home